Adding, Modifying HVAC Rules

Adding, Modifying HVAC Rules

Applicable for: Indoor HVAC units that are Infra-Red (IR) enabled

HVAC rule is a set of controls set by the user (facility manager) to (control) a specific HVAC workspace(
zone). These HVAC rules use various input parameters as part of the decision matrix to alter the device behavior.  For indoor unit devices that are Infra-Red (IR) enabled various functions of the devices can be configured, such as occupancy-based operations, temperature control, functional mode, swing, etc. 


Option A: IQnext supports functions from major brands, however, there may be a possibility that certain functions may be not supported with the IQnext platform.
Option B: Certain functions are dependent on the manufacturer, the model number of your HVAC indoor unit and all functions may not be available in IQnext.

Adding New IR Rule

  1. Log in to your IQnext account with Administrator Privileges 

  2. Go to Settings HVAC Rule (under Device Rule) > IR Rule


  1. On the HVAC Rules page, click on the Add New Rule button in the top right corner. 

  1. In the Add New HVAC Rule Page, enter a name and description of the rule.

  1. Now there are 4 tabs - Default, Override Configuration 1, Override Configuration 2, Override Configuration 3 

Default Rule: It is the basic rule set for the functioning of the device when no override configuration rule has been applied. Default settings can be modified by the user to suit their personal preferences. There can be only one default configuration.

Override Configuration RuleIt is a rule set for a particular time of the day which is set over the default rule for the device to function in a new mode of operation as per the preference of the user. The functionality of the device in this rule can be different from the default rule. Three different override configurations can be configured over the default rule configuration.

Default Rule

  1. Under the Default Rule tab, under the Action when the zone is occupied section, enter the following details: 


  1. Select Turn ON AC, Turn OFF AC or Take no action based on what you want the HVAC to do when the zone is occupied. 

  1. Select your preferred AC mode from the drop-down i.e. Cool, Auto, Dry, Fan.  


AC modes may vary depending on the brand

    Auto Mode -

  • When AUTO operation is first selected, the fan operates at low speed for about a few minutes, during which time the indoor unit detects the room conditions and selects the proper operation mode. 

  • If the difference between the thermostat setting and actual room temperature is more than +2 °C → Cooling or Dry operation

  • If the difference between the thermostat setting and actual room temperature is within ±2 °C → Monitor Operation

  • When the air conditioner has adjusted your room’s temperature to near the thermostat setting, it will begin monitor operation. In the monitor operation mode, the fan will operate at a low speed. If the room temperature subsequently changes, the air conditioner will once again select the appropriate operation (Heating, Cooling) to adjust the temperature to the value set in the thermostat.

Cool Mode - 

  • Used to cool the space. 

  • Set the thermostat to a temperature setting that is lower than the current workspace(zone) temperature. 

  • The cooling mode will not work if the temperature set is higher than the workspace(zone) temperature.

Dry Mode

  • Used for gently cooling while dehumidifying the workspace(zone)

  • During Dry mode, the unit will operate at low speed, In order to adjust workspace(zone) Humidity, the indoor unit’s fan may stop from time to time. Also, the fan may operate at a very low speed when adjusting room humidity The fan speed channel be changed manually when Dry mode has been selected

Fan Mode

  • Used to circulate the air throughout the workspace(zone)

  • One cannot set temperature during fan mode for cooling


  1. Enter the temperature at which you want the AC to operate

AUTO ....................................18-30 °C 

Cooling/Dry ...........................18-30 °C

The thermostat cannot be used to set room temperature during the FAN mode (the temperature will not appear on the Platform Display)

  1. Select the desired fan speed

    1. Auto - As the room temperature approaches that of the thermostat set temperature the fan speed will become slower.

    2. High

    3. Medium

    4. Low

  1. Select the swing mode.

In this mode, the Air Flow Direction Louvers will swing automatically to direct the airflow both up and down.

Note: All HVAC systems do not have a swing mode and it will depend on the brand and make of your HVAC. 

  1. Next, under Action when the zone is an unoccupied section, enter the following details: 

  1. Select Turn ON/OFF based on what you want the HVAC to do when the zone is not occupied. 

  2. Enter the temperature at which you want the AC to operate

  3. Select the fan mode 

  4. Select the swing mode

  1. Click Save

Override Configuration Rule 

  1. After saving the default rule, you add the desired configurations that will override the default rule. 

  1. If you want to enable the override configuration, Select the Enable Config box. (if the checkbox is not selected, the rule will be disabled)

  1. Select the working days of the week for when this rule should be applied. 

  1. Enter the start time for which this override should commence.


  1. Enter the end time for which this override config should end. 

  1. Follow the same steps as you would for the default section(hyperlink)

  1. Click  Save

Similarly, you can apply Override Configuration 2 and Override Configuration 3

Modifying HVAC Rule

Existing HVAC rules can be managed and modified here.

To modify an HVAC Rules details

  1. Go to Setting HVAC Rule (under Device Rule) 

  1. The rules that have already been added are listed here 


  1. For the rule that you wish to edit, click on the ellipsis (3 dots to edit)

  1. Edit the corresponding parameters you wish to edit. 

  1. Click Save.

Adding, Modifying VAV Rules

Applicable for: VAV units that function over BACnet/IP

VAV rule is a set of controls set by the user (facility manager) to (control) a specific VAV unit in a workspace(
). These VAV rules use various input parameters as part of the decision matrix to alter the device behavior.  For VAV units that function over BACnet/IP, the temperature can be controlled based on occupancy of the workspace(zone).

Adding New IR Rule 

  1. Log-in to your IQnext account with Administrator Privileges 

  2. Go to Settings HVAC Rule (under Device Rule) > VAV Rule


  1. On the HVAC Rules page, click on the Add New Rule button in the top right corner and select the VAV Rule. 

  1. In the Add New VAV Rule Page, enter a name and description to the rule.

  1. Now there are 4 tabs - Default, Override Configuration 1, Override Configuration 2, Override Configuration 3 

Default Rule: It is the basic rule set for the functioning of the device when no override configuration rule has been applied. Default settings can be modified by the user to suit their personal preferences. There can be only one default configuration.

Override Configuration Rule: It is a rule set for a particular time of the day which is set over the default rule for the device to function in a new mode of operation as per the preference of the user. The functionality of the device in this rule can be different from the default rule. Three different override configurations can be configured over the default rule configuration.

Default Rule

  1. Under the Default Rule tab, under Action when the zone is occupied section, enter the Upper Setpoint (16°C - 31°C) temperature and Lower Setpoint (16°C - 31°C) temperature at which you want the VAV to operate.

Note - For single setpoint VAVs only upper setpoint will be considered

  1. Under Action when the zone is the unoccupied section, enter the Upper Setpoint (16°C - 31°C) temperature and Lower Setpoint (16°C - 31°C) temperature at which you want the VAV to operate.

Note - For single setpoint VAVs only upper setpoint will be considered


Override Configuration Rule 

  1. After saving the default rule, you add the desired configurations that will override the default rule. 

  1. If you want to enable the override configuration, Select the Enable Config box. (if the checkbox is not selected, the rule will be disabled)

  1. Select the working days of the week for when this rule should be applied. 

  1. Enter the start time for which this override should commence.


  1. Enter the end time for which this override config should end. 

  1. Follow the same steps as you would for the default section(hyperlink)

  1. Click  Save

Similarly, you can apply Override Configuration 2 and Override Configuration 3

Modifying VAV Rule

Existing VAV rules can be managed and modified here.

To modify an HVAC Rules details

  1. Go to Setting HVAC Rule (under Device Rule) > VAV Rule 

  1. The rules that have already been added are listed here 

  1. For the rule that you wish to edit, click on the ellipsis (3 dots to edit)

  1. Edit the corresponding parameters you wish to edit. 

  1. Click Save.

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