Release Date: 15th December, 2024
What’s New?
Latest and so the greatest features yet!
Stay connected and in control with real-time desktop notifications & never miss critical updates again. Get instant alerts when an alarm is triggered, acknowledged or put to done status. Get notified of any work orders assigned to you or your team, instantly that require immediate attention, helping you prioritize and respond swiftly.
Tailor access and permissions based on the needs of your team. Create new custom roles and define permissions for specific pages or actions within the platform for that particular role.
What’s improved?
Some things have gotten better with time!
You can now download a detailed report of any work order in PDF format enabling you to share work order details effortlessly, streamlining your documentation process.
Energy, asset, and maintenance reports can now be scheduled to land directly to your inbox. You can now automate the generation and delivery of these reports at regular intervals, ensuring timely insights into energy consumption, asset performance, and maintenance activities.
Gateway banner improvements have been made to enhance visibility and user experience. The updated banners now feature clearer, more concise messaging, making important updates and notifications easier to see and act upon.
What’s fixed?
Bugs that we have squashed!
Widget details are not filtered based on floor-specific, building specific, and city dashboard
Energy meter sources list was not displayed when no meters were configured
Custom fields do not appear under "Filter Asset By" before generating bulk asset edits
The widgets library is not showing properly on the shared edit dashboard page