To check for malfunctioning devices or to keep track of a disconnected device IQnext manages a list of the disconnected gateway and lighting devices. You can track the status of turning on/off of an individual disconnected device of a building or a floor.
To access a list of disconnected devices:
Log in to your IQnext account.
Go to Settings >Notification > Device Alerts.
Select the Gateway or Lighting tab depending on the type of devices you want to view.
A list will show the timestamp of the last activation of the device along with the building, floor, room, and WSN( Wireless Sensor Network) number.
If it is a gateway device you can access the IP address and the track of inactivity by clicking on the View Details option corresponding to it.
Additionally, you can filter the building/floor for which you want to view the devices by clicking on the Apply Filter above the Details.