Managing In-Room Display tablets

Managing In-Room Display tablets

The In-Room Display is a touch screen device dedicated to managing lighting settings in real-time without the need of accessing the platform. To provide flexibility in the operation of these tablets you can change basic details( tablet name, mac address, description)  associated with it and also change the assignment of zones or lighting rules.

To view the list of tablets:

  1. Log in to IQnext with the Administrator privileges.

  2. Go to Settings > Device Management Tab.

  3. Select Commissioned tabs or Decommissioned Tabs as per your preference under the Tablet title.

Here you can view or edit the list of tablets with details including Name, Floor, MAC Address, and the date they were commissioned on.

By clicking the arrows next to the column’s title, you can arrange the data alphabetically or numerically in increasing or decreasing order.

To Register A New Tab

  1. Install the app for the IQnext on the tablet you want to register using the IQnext apk provided by the support team.
    Note: The app is available for Android devices only.

  2. After accessing the tab managementselect the +Add New iRD button in the upper right corner.

  1. Now enter the details( Floor, Name, MAC Address) of the new tab in the window that appears.

  • To find MAC Address for your tab 

                       go to Settings > About Phone/Tablet > Status > Wi-fi MAC

  • Set Config Update Duration to 0.

  1. Open the iRD App on your tab and click multiple times on the homepage which shows the time and date.

  2. When prompted to enter a pin, type 0000.

  3. Enter values are given below in the input configuration:

  • URL: Copy the URL from the IQnet platform or contact support

  • Port no: 9009

  • UDP Timeout: 500

  • UDP Retry Count: 10

  • Screen Timeout: This is the time of inactivity after which the screen will go to sleep. Enter a self preferred value here.

  1. Now the tablet will be available under Uncommissioned Tabs. You can view this list by accessing the tab management.

To commission an uncommissioned tab

  1. Click the 3 dots ( ⁝ ) appearing on the rightmost column of the tab and select Commission from the drop-down menu.

  2. Fill in the details under the Application tab as per your preferences.

  1. Select the zones/floor which you want to control with the tab.
    Note: you can assign a max of 5 zones to a tab.

  2. Select Lighting Rules and then HCL Rules from the list available.

  3. Enable turning on or off occupancy sensor for the users operating the tab by selecting yes or No respectively and Set Time window. 

Note: Selecting yes will allow users to enable/disable occupancy sensors for a zone or a room in the time window set by you. The occupancy sensor will run according to the lighting rules it has been assigned once the window is over.

  1. After making the required changes, click Save in the bottom right of the page.

  2. Repeat the steps to add more tabs.

To Remove A Tab From The Platform

If a tab is malfunctioning or no longer of use to the organization, the administrator can remove it by:

  1. Log in to the platform using administrator privileges.

  2. After accessing the tab management, find the tab you want to remove using the search box on the left.

  3. Click the ellipsis ( ⁝ ) appearing on the last column of the tab.

  4. Go to Delete from the drop-down menu.

  1. Select Yes when asked for confirmation.

To Edit A Tab’s Details and Configuration

This feature helps admin to change basic details of a tab like a tab Name, Floor it is assigned an application configurations like assigning lighting rules or zones by:

  1. Log in to the platform using administrator privileges.

  2. After accessing the tab management, find the tab you want to remove using the search box on the left.

  3. Click the 3 dots ( ⁝ ) appearing on the rightmost column of the tab.

  4. Select the Edit option from the drop-down menu.

  5.  Select the option to which you want to make changes from Tab Details and Application.

Tab Details

Under basic details, you can make changes to the tab’s Name, Floor Name, MAC Address and Description.


To manage lighting rules and zones assigned to the tab:

  1. Select the zones/floor which you want to control with the tab.
    Note: you can assign a max of 5 zones to a tab.

  2. Select Lighting Rules and then HCL Rules from the list available.

  1. Enable turning on or off occupancy sensor for the users operating the tab by selecting yes or No respectively and Set Time window. 

    Selecting yes will allow users to enable/disable occupancy sensor for a zone or a room in the time window set by you. The occupancy sensor will run according to the lighting rules it has been assigned once the window is over.

  1. After making the required changes, click Save in the bottom right of the page.

To Add New Logo Or Screensaver To The Tab

  1. Log in to IQnext with the Administrator privileges.

  2. Go to Settings > Device Management Tab.

  3. Select Logo from the options under the title “Tablet”.

  4. Click on Choose File under Upload Dashboard logo and  Upload Screensaver to upload an image from your device.

Recommended logo size is 100x40 px and the only formats allowed are jpeg, jpg, or png

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