Understanding Spaces On IQnext Portal

Understanding Spaces On IQnext Portal

The IQnext platform essentially converts your physical spaces into virtual ones. Therefore it would be important to understand the “Space Hierarchy” and how the devices in the physical space are structured within the platform. 

Space Hierarchy

Space hierarchy is the space structure for your entire organization that defines where each physical aspect is situated, including the devices associated within those spaces. 

Since it is impossible to understand and interact with every device inside a building unless they are categorized into groups that can be controlled and tracked using a floor map, it is important to learn how the management of these devices is simplified by classification.

To begin with, the organization is the highest order in the hierarchy. 

A given organization can have multiple buildings across different locations. This gives a user the power to access or manage one particular building or even multiple buildings together. 

A building is further classified into floors. Each floor can be monitored separately. A list of floors belonging to the same building and/or organization can also be viewed. 

In a similar fashion individual floors are further classified into wings. Eg north wing, east wing, etc. to group similar parts of the floor together. 

Lastly, each wing can contain one or more rooms.

To provide variations of conditions in settings of devices in the same room, the room can be further divided into zones where each zone can work independently of the othe


1.Managing Buildings On IQnext

Admin can view a list of buildings managed by the IQnext and to provide flexibility in updating, can also add new buildings to the platform or remove existing buildings in case of a shift of workspace or shut down.

  1. Log in to IQnext with the Administrator privileges.

  2. Go to Settings Space >Buildings.

A list of the building's name managed by the platform will appear along with their area.

To Edit/Remove An Existing Building:

  1. Find the building name using the search box under the title Building.

  2. Click the 3 dots next to the selected building name.

  3. Select the appropriate option from Edit or Delete.

  • In the Edit menu, update the new values for the building, click Save.

  • To delete the building select Yes.


- To delete the building users first need to delete the space tabs from the lowest hierarchy like rooms, floors, and wings. If any nodes or gateways are present then the system will not allow customers to delete them

- The default value of the Area unit is square feet (sqft), to change the unit follow Changing details like currency and area unit

To Add A New Floor/Building:

Get in touch with us at support@iqnext.io


2.Managing Floors On IQnext

  1. Log in to IQnext with the Administrator privileges.

  2. Go to Settings Space >Floors.

A list of the Floor’s names managed by the platform will appear along with their areas, floor level, and building they are associated with.

To Edit/Remove An Existing Building:

  1. Find the floor name using the search box under the title Floors.

  2. Click the 3 dots next to the selected floor name.

  3. Select the appropriate option from Edit or Delete.

  • In the Edit menu, update the new values for the floor, click Save.

  • To delete the floor select Yes.

- To delete a floor, all the zones or wings associated with it will need to be deleted first. If any nodes or gateways are present then the system will not allow customers to delete

- The default value of the Area unit is square feet (sqft), to change the unit follow Changing details like currency and area unit

To Add A New Floor:

Get in touch with us at support@iqnext.io.

3.Managing Wings On IQnext

Each wing groups together a particular set of rooms devoted to a task or department. For eg, north wing, south wing, accountancy wing, etc.

To access wings on a particular floor and make changes in wing detail:

  1. Log in to IQnext with the Administrator privileges.

  2. Go to Settings Space > Wings.

A module containing building names will appear.

  1. Select the arrow ▶ in front of the building name to access floors associated with it.

  2. Click the floor name you want to access the wings for.


To edit wing details: 

  1. Select the wing from the CAD layout of the floor plan or the list on the side panel.

  2. Press Save after making changes in building name, floor name, wing name, or description.


Selected wing will be highlighted with an outline.

 4.Managing Rooms On IQnext

To access rooms on a particular floor and make changes in its details:

  1. Log in to IQnext with the Administrator privileges.

  2. Go to Settings Space > Rooms.

              A module containing building names will appear.

  1. Select the arrow ▶ in front of the building name to access floors associated with it.

  2. Click the floor name you want to access the rooms of.



To Edit Room Details: 

  1. Select the room from the CAD layout of the floor plan or the list on the side panel.

  2. Press Save after making changes in room name, room type (Unclassified, Conference Room, Executive Cabin or Workstation), or description.


In the above image, the room under consideration is “NICF Demo Room” and has been highlighted with a green outline around it.









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