Viewing Audit Log

Viewing Audit Log

You can access a record of all the activities performed by the users whether operational or administrative in audit logs. This helps to track what operation was performed by whom and when. It also classifies operations into different categories and allows filtering them as per your needs.

  1. Log in to IQnext with the Administrator privileges.

  2. Go to Settings > General Settings Audit Logs.

You can find various details of an entry like Date, Action performed, Operation, Category of action, user type, user id, and status of the action.

Action and Operation

The action performed by a user can be divided into many categories depending on the area or functionality and operation signifies whether the action is an edit, creation or update.

For example, a change in the rule of the sensors will fall under the category of update rule, while a change in organization details will be under organization edit.


Category simply tells you about the sector of the portal which was affected by the action. If it is a change in rule it comes under rule management, if it is the creation of a user it is user management.


You can see the status of action like Successful, Pending or Failure. Since some changes take time to execute or are not able to execute properly because of some error, you can pinpoint the faulty operation and even understand the non-responsive software or device, if any.

User Type

Permissions or authorization to some operations and settings are divided broadly into two types of users:

Client user:

Synconext user:

When you click on an entry in the Audit Log, it will display more details of the log with both previous values and modified values.

Filtering Data Of The Audit Logs

Records of an audit log can be filtered to focus on events within a specific time period or/and categories or also search for specific actions.

A. To view logs within specific dates:

  1. Click the All button under the Time tab on the Audit log screen.

  1. Choose the date range from the drop-down menu next to it, for eg, last week, last 10 days or month.

  • You can also define your own range by setting up preferable dates under the Data Range box.

  1. Click Apply.

B. To view logs for a specific category:

  1. Click the All button under the Category tab on the Audit Log screen.

  2. Choose the preferred category( access control, zone management, rule management, etc..) from the drop-down menu.

C. To view/search log for a specific action

Type the search terms in the search box on the top left of the audit logs and press enter.

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